In Chapter 6 (on Reflection) of my book I write quite a bit on the importance of developing a non-judgmental attitude at the end of life. But why wait until our death-beds to "clean up" our lives? The Present Moment is what's important, so why not start letting go of as many judgments as possible right now?
Our country and the collective consciousness has become so stressful that even the bees don't want to live here any more... there's more than enough "drama" and stress being created these days. To counteract this, we can ask to have more joy and peace come to us. In my own experience, what's been most helpful is that I've asked and intended for more joy to come into my life. As soon as I asked for more Joy to come into my life, it started to come. And it continues to do so. Same with abundance. As peace and joy come back into my life, so does abundance.
One person who's helped me expand in this area is Bret Treadwell. He's taught me about "the jars" and the Autobiographical Feedback Language and more abundant ways to use and invest my dollars. If you're interested in learning more about his work and how to train your neuro-linguistic patterns to behave differently, I invite you to go to
One person who's helped me expand in this area is Bret Treadwell. He's taught me about "the jars" and the Autobiographical Feedback Language and more abundant ways to use and invest my dollars. If you're interested in learning more about his work and how to train your neuro-linguistic patterns to behave differently, I invite you to go to
Patricia Cota-Robles always ties Peace and Abundance together. I'm becoming a firm believer that as peace (both inner and outer) becomes a reality on the planet, so will abundance. One friend recently suggested that one day money will not even be needed because there will be plenty for all. This is true already; we just need to tune in to that reality.
Happy non-judgmental thinking to you! And may Peace and Abundance prevail in your life and in All Life Everywhere.
An affirmation for your use: My perfection is handling all imperfection perfectly :)