There are so many good books to read! And sometimes not enough time to do them justice. I would like to share two of my favorites (besides The Last Adventure of Life) that I often find myself recommending to hospice families and co-workers. They are: Final Gifts and Embraced by the Light. Final Gifts is written by two hospice nurses, describing some of the spiritual and mystical experiences they have had as they serve their people and families. It is beautiful, heart-felt, and a wonderful read. So is Embraced by the Light, an easy read about one woman's near death experience. Betty Eadie recalls an astonishing amount from a very short and profound experience she had after surgery one day. The book is a testament to the power of love, hope, and the interconnectedness of all. I sometimes read portions of these books to people who are dealing with fears around their dying; and this seems to ease their anxiety and fear. In fact, you will find small portions from these books in my book, too.
Let me know if you have books that stand out for you in this area. Which titles have helped you cope with your fears around death and dying, or grief? What are your favorites, and why? There is so much education still needed in this aspect of life in our culture.
Blessings of Abundance and Peace on this Full Harvest Moon Day! May we recognize the true gift that being alive is; and may we never take our lives on Earth for granted, dancing heart