Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Miracle of Death

I was recently at a Biznik meeting in N. Seattle and started a conversation with someone who's writing about his son who died awhile ago. This conversation made me think of one of the most profound books I've ever read about death, grief, and the afterlife. It's called The Miracle of Death, by Betty J. Kovacs, Ph.D. Betty lost her mother, then her only son, then her husband, all in a matter of a few years. She could have been devastated and lost all reason for living. Instead, she allowed it to open her up to the true meaning of life. She had always had powerful dreams, and after her losses, her dreams became more and more telling. She eventually opened up to be able to communicate with her son and husband on the other side.

Dr. Kovacs is now teaching what she learned from her experiences with death and grief to others through The Kamlak Center. She is one courageous woman who is helping to show us the way through these transformational times we're living through.

I have just recently interviewed with Darren Main, a fellow author through Findhorn Press. It was a very good interview, as Darren has done his homework in the area of death & dying. He understands the anamoly of death (and grief) in our culture. I invite you to listen to our conversation here.

May we each be open to exploring the deaths and griefs that come into our lives such that we can ride the waves of transformation that are knocking on our doors on a fairly frequent and intense basis these days! Dancing Heart~~~

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We're All in this Hospice Experience Together!

I have said in the past that we're all going through a kind of "hospice experience" in our lives these days. In the last few weeks, as the powerful money institutions of the world are beginning to crumble, I'm sensing even more that this is a time for profound change on our planet. We are beginning to realize, and wake up to our senses, that we cannot base our lives on the material aspects of life. If we are "spiritual beings having a human experience," then it's the spiritual that we can truly trust and make our foundation.

This past weekend I had the good fortune to work with an amazing healer and hypno-therapist named Yvonne Oswald. She is a remarkable woman who embodies what she teaches. Her book is called Every Word Has Power, and it is one of the most practical and profound books I've ever read to help me change my way of thinking and being. As I learn from Yvonne and read and practice what she shares in her book, I'm literally shifting myself from negative thought patterns to positive ones. And it is creating a difference in my life! I'm a happier person as I tune into the true essence of who I really am, and as I love myself, forgive myself, and am more gentle and nourishing to myself.

One related exercise that I've learned and am practicing is to spend time telling myself how much I love myself. Besides the phrase "I love you, Dancing Heart (you can substitute your name here)," I'm learning that there are three other simple phrases we can use to honor ourselves: "I'm so sorry," "I forgive you," and "Thank you." These are phrases that as children, we yearned to hear more. However, due to the reality on the planet, most of us never got to hear these powerful, loving phrases as much as we needed. This is why we need to let ourselves hear these words now, as adults who can also honor the Inner Child within.

In these times of deep change, I invite you to find new ways to honor and love yourself, however those opportunities may come to you. By the way, I would invite you to visit Yvonne's website, too. Abundance, Joyful Blessings! Dancing Heart~~~

P.S. Don't forget: I offer wonderful Soul Baskets for anyone going through a time of transition in their lives, at my website,!