Thursday, November 25, 2010

"It is here. I accept it. I receive it. Guide me."

It's Thanksgiving Day; and I'm giving thanks for so very much at this time in my life! Many of the challenges (lessons) in my life are evolving, thanks to a variety of synchronicities that have occurred, and I have so many blessings to be grateful for.

About 10 days ago I came across a key statement that I received through a spiritual reading that was done some years ago. Somehow, it seemed appropo for this time in my life, too: "It is here. I accept it. I receive it. Guide me." Thanks to many healers and transformers who have shown up in my life recently, not to mention my own Soul who I'm becoming more aware of and connected to, I am moving forward in my life in meaningful ways. I wish to thank the following in particular:

1) Dr. Zhi Gang Sha and his many world representatives and Mary Woodman here locally,
2) Bruno Groening and his powerful healing spirit that remains in our midst,
3) Dr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi -- otherwise known as Guruji -- from India, and
4) Jacqueline Joy of Diamond Alignment.

It's getting late, so I'll share more in the near future! Blessings of Joy and deLight, in Deep Gratitude for so many, many Blessings, Dancing heart~~~

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Today Will Be My Third Day into Master Sha's 10-Day Intensive

I became interested in Master Zhi Gang Sha and his powerful healing work through being drawn to one of his many books called The Power of Soul. I'd already heard about Master Sha and had wanted to hear him speak at East West Books. However, that day had come and gone. Then, I happened upon his book at Half Price Books this past Labor Day weekend. (My daughter and I were in the throws of figuring out what to do, as her visa had not come through in time for us to go to Scotland as planned!)

Then just two weeks ago, after finding a small book-group at Soul Food Books that were studying his work, I was gifted with one of his 10-day intensives. A total and complete gift from the Universe! It is called the Tao Retreat, and it's an introduction to the Tao and its secrets as Master Sha understands them; the Tao is the foundation to all of his work. And I'm learning that the Tao incorporates a kind of "quantum" science and perspective in it.

So far, I've thoroughly enjoyed this powerful, unique, and healing experience. I'm connecting into the retreat that's being held in Estes Park, CO through the Internet. There more than 900 people attending; and the energy is very high. The program is varied so that I'm finding it easy to stay engaged. We've heard Master Sha present material, do his healing work with people, receive healing and elevation himself. We've also danced, chanted, and received teachings from his world-wide representatives.

(My only complaint might be that it went on too long the first evening... I started to fall asleep during the last hour and a half! However, last night I got a chance to take a nap while the people in Estes Park were receiving their readings, so I had no problem staying up until the midnight hour when it ended.)

I'm particularly struck by Dr. Sha's tremendous generosity, warmth of heart, sincerity, inclusivity, and humility. He's an amazing man, having grown up in the mountains of China as a boy and then coming to the United States as a young "master" to help spread the Tao's message and secrets. He studied under Dr. Zhi Chen Guo in China -- who Dr. Sha considers his "spiritual father" and then was given the charge to go and share his teachings around the world during this transformational time on planet earth. Dr. Sha calls this unique time on earth the Soul Light Era and says that it began on 8-8-2003 and will last for 15,000 years.

If you're interested in getting a taste of Master Sha, there's a telephone seminar later today that the public is invited to join. You can participate by calling 507-726-3300, then the numbers:
77815#. The call will take place at 5 PM Pacific Time and last approximately 2 hours.

I have already been healed and rejuvenated in a big way through attending this Intensive! I'll keep you posted... And now I hear that there's a fire ceremony for Peace and Unity called One Peace Live that the Buddhist and Mayan spiritual elders are facilitating. It started in Kyoto yesterday evening (9PM Pacific Time) and will end later today.

Blessings Love, Peace, Harmony, Unity, and Light during these special days of renewal and awakening! Dancing heart~~~

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Powerful Healers Are Helping Me through the Biggest Transition of My Life

I have not written in some time here, as I'm moving through what's likely the biggest transition I've ever made in my life right now: My daughter moved to Scotland to pursue her college studies, and I'm moving out of our very spacious home and getting ready to move to Arizona myself -- to be the "master healer" I'm called to be!

I'm finding that I need lots of help myself as I "purge" myself and many of my belongings while moving through this change. And I wanted to let you know about some of the healers and activators who are helping me through this time. I've found most of them through the Internet and word of mouth. I've posted articles about them at my site and I want to invite you to read my articles about them. Their power and wisdom will speak for themselves (I've linked their names to my individual articles about them.):

Jo Dunning -- has an amazing ability to help you clear blockages in your life through her healing energy and wisdom

Braco (Croatian healer) -- has developed the ability to heal through his "silent gaze," and has been touching hundreds of thousands of people since 1995!

Dr. Master Sha -- is a Chinese master healer who's been teaching people the Power of Soul through many simple and basic techniques. Even businessmen are being helped to open their third eyes and follow the Flow. (I'm so delighted: I'll be starting a 10-day intensive with Dr. Sha on the Tao this Friday -- came to me as a total and complete gift! WOW ;)

Diamond Alignment with Jacqueline Joy -- Jacqueline Joy developed a way to help people receive higher energy through a unique method she visualized years ago when visiting the Egyptian pyramids. Check out "Diamond Alignment"; I touch in with it at least twice a day now!

Stay tuned. I have much more to share, but need to go and get the last of my boxes out of my condo in Lynnwood that I'm releasing... Let me know if you -- or someone you know -- might be interested in renting my specious 3-story detached condo.

Blessings of Love, Peace, and Harmony! Dancing heart~~~~