There is much to share with you today, as my life began to take a categorical shift in a magnificent way on 8/8/11. Wow, I'm still pinching myself!
I'd been struggling in Phoenix for month to make things work for me financially. I'd finally found out during the last four to six weeks that I would be able to collect unemployment -- what a relief! On 8/4 I heard (for the second time) the name Sachi as someone I needed to call at the Chamber of Commerce in Sedona. When I called her on 8/5, she was not in her office. I got inspired to visit Sedona on that Sunday, 8/7. As always, I had a very special day just "being" among the Red Rock; and I dropped by the Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center to see if by chance Sachiko was there; instead, I got her card. I made certain that I made contact with her the following Monday morning, back in Phoenix.
Sachi immediately shared with me that there were at least two Japanese tour companies in Sedona and that they might be hiring at this time. I called both companies and had some interesting conversations. One company seemed ready almost to hire me on the spot. I had an interview with him in Phoenix a few days later and got the word that I could come on board immediately! Meanwhile, I discovered that the other man who ran Chi-q (meaning "the Earth" in Japanese) was also interested in hiring me.
I was set to head to Portland that Friday for a friend's daughter's wedding and I was ready to move out of Phoenix ASAP, so I needed to act fast. I packed up my belongings and headed for Sedona that Thursday, the day before my departure for Portland. A friend was kind enough to open her garage so that I could leave most of my belongings there. My friend Bev was willing to take in my cat Midnight and watch her while I went to the Great Northwest. Things just lined up for me so that I could move to Sedona! I kept pinching myself and wondering -- as the Access Consciousness key questions goes: "How does it get any better than this?!?"
The upshot is that I had a wonderful and COOL trip (and "break" from the intensity of moving!) to the Northwest. I visited Seattle briefly, too, to deal with some of my stuff and make some meaningful connections with friends. Upon returning to Phoenix, I picked up Midnight and most of the rest of my stuff and headed to Sedona the following day. I had decided to work with Mr. "Chi" Niwa of Chi-Q Tours, the second man I'd talked with -- who didn't seem to have quite as much work for me, but who I felt more sympatico with.
And so I've been in Sedona this time just ten days, since Aug. 18th. It's been such a whirlwind that I'm just now catching up with it all. I've also been able to find myself & Midnight a lovely condo to rent: It's in the Village of Oak Creek, practically next to Castle Rock ;) I have a view of it from the upstairs bedroom! And Bell Rock -- one of the vortex rocks -- is only about one mile up the road toward town... Right next to Bell Rock is the well known and majestic Courthouse Rock. So I feel protected and energized by the Red Rock in a profound way these days.
As you might imagine, I am feeling more blessed than I've felt in a very long time! I keep gazing at the beautiful Red Rock, thanking them for their beauty and wondering if it's really true that I get to settle down for now in this Most Beautiful City in the U.S.?!? I can only wonder if all the spiritual work I've done with Master Sha, Access Consciousness, and other healers and healing modalities have helped to bring me to this magnificent moment in time and place in my life.
How does it get any better than this? And what else is possible?!?
Love, Peace, and Harmony to ALL! Dancing heart~~~~