A couple of weeks ago, on my way into Phoenix, I'd been in my car for awhile singing one of Dr. Sha's soul songs "Love Peace and Harmony." I was in a very good space, so I continued singing the song even as I parked and entered the Women's Room at the Starbucks just off the freeway near Camp Verde.
I noticed that the other stall in the room was occupied, but I kept singing the song full tilt to the end. When I got out of my stall, the other woman was waiting at the door of the Women's Room to let me know that she'd enjoyed the song. She wanted me to sing it for her again so I did. Then we naturally began talking about Master Sha and how he's helping people with his healing work and soul songs, etc.
Well, it turned out that the woman, Anne from Fountain Hills, AZ, is with a man who studies the Tao; and I just happened to have copies of Master Sha's Tao I and Tao II books in my car! -- ready to "release" to the perfect person. Needless to say, we went out to my car together and I gave her a copy of each of the books. I love synchronicities like this ;) And I was in an even more wonderful mood as I headed once again toward Pheonix in my car.
You may go to this link to listen to "Love Peace & Harmony." Master Sha says that if you sing it enough times, it'll clear your karma. I find that it always opens my heart and makes me feel better when I start singing it.
Blessings of Love, Peace & Harmony to all, Dancing heart~~~~