Thursday, December 27, 2012
I'm Healing the Japanese... or Are the Japanese Healing Me?!?
I wanted to share about how I've been healed by the Japanese people who come to Sedona this past year. It's been quite a year, a bit of a roller coaster ride. But as I look back, I'm seeing how I reached out to the Japanese - through my interpreting, my tours, and my energy work - and although they say that they were healed by me and my presence, I'm realizing that they also healed me by their love and Presence with me! It's interesting how human relationships work, but I'm noticing yet again in my life that healing is not a one-way street. When healing takes place between people, it often takes in both directions. When we are a catalyst for healing, we also receive the benefits, the echoes, if you will, of that healing.
On Christmas Day I received a special email from one of my Japanese customers who'd been going through a lot in her life when we met. She received some of my energy work while in Sedona. She made the comment that the greatest gift for her during 2012 was getting to meet me! Wow, that was a truly special compliment! I need to frame that and post it in my office space. And when I think about it, meeting the Japanese - all of the beautiful, spiritual Japanese I've met this year - has been the greatest gift in my life this past year as well.
This brings me to the fact that I'm offering some Year-end Specials at this time, in terms of my energy work and products. Here's what I'm offering:
1) My Energy work - and Order of the Magi Readings - are 1/2 price! I'm offering a 50 min. session for $50. Also, I use Matrix Energetics more in my sessions now, so more can be done more quickly, too! (more at This energy work is great for your animals/pets, too, and can be done long distance as well as in person.
2) All Soul Bundles & Young Living oils are 30% off (Can send them out as gifts, directly to your people, too). shows you the details.
3) All my books are 1/2 price (!
Let me know of your interest in any of the above by email - or phone (from my Contact Page on any of my websites) - and we'll arrange it right away.
Finally, when you go to my new main site,, you'll see a button on the top right hand side of my Home Page that you can use to call me: I'm available now for counseling and consultations through Please utilize my services there; or if you know of people who might appreciate my knowledge and wisdom, please let them know as well.
Highest Blessings of Light and Love in these Amazing, Changing Times... And Happy 2013 to All, too! Dancing heart~~~~
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Stranger In A Strange Land: Dog Walking
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Magnificent, Unique Retreat Coming Up - to help you become better friends with death & grief
I just posted an article about Amayra Hamilton's and my holistic, self-care retreat coming up during the last weekend of Sept. - at magnificent Angel Valley Sedona. Please see more at the top article at my site:
Hope that you might be able to join us.. or help us spread the word?!?
Love & Bright Light Blessings, Dancing heart~~~
Monday, June 18, 2012
Peaceful Freedom Fighter of Burma in Magnificent Film, "The Lady"
Last weekend I was given an unexpected opportunity to see the film The Lady that was showing at the new Mary D. Fisher Theater in Sedona, AZ. It is a magnificent film that came out late last year about one amazing woman, Aung San Suu Kyi, known as the "peaceful freedom fighter" - and her man, the academic writer Michael Aris - who have been holding space for democracy in Burma, despite all odds. It is a French-English co-production, directed by Luc Besson, "a man who carries utter respect for women." The same person says that "I genuinely think the purpose of this film isn’t about vanity but to show to everyone out [in the world] what happened in Burma and the courageous work and choices Aung Aan Suu Kyi has achieved for her country."
I have just discovered that you can view this moving, powerful film showing the ongoing battle between light and dark taking place in Burma online; here is the link where you can do that. Michelle Yeoh, the well known and brilliant, beautiful Malaysian actress (Memoirs of a Geisha and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) and David Thewlis (Harry Potter film series and Kingdom of Heaven), who portrays Suu Kyi's steadfast life partner Michael Aris, do a magnificent job of portraying this love story fraught with drama and violence.
One of the most moving parts of the film is when Michael is dying of cancer. He's only a 53-year-old man, has been separated from his wife for years now, and between the two of them they have two grown teenage boys by then. Suu Kyi is given the choice to go back to see her husband - who's now on hospice - and not be allowed to re-enter Burma, or to remain in Burma while her husband is dying in the U.K. She makes a very difficult choice and decides to stay in Burma with her people. It is clear in the film that the two of them, as a couple have been very dedicated to the democratic movement in Burma, so we assume that Suu Kyi, despite her deep grief and pain, must have on some level known that Michael would understand, and perhaps even appreciate her decision to stay with her family and supporters in Burma.
Anyone interested in justice, peace, non-violence, and freedom will appreciate this film. I highly recommend that you see it. I believe that it did not get the justice it deserves in the regular theaters and film circles, as I had not even heard of it until now.
Aung San Suu Kyi's haunting words that we are left with at the close of the film are: "Use your liberty to promote ours."
May we use our liberty - and abundance and peace - to promote the liberty, abundance, and peace of Burma, and those other countries that are still struggling on this magnificent Planet Earth, Dancing heart~~~~
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
"Accept the Unacceptable"
An overarching statement that they use in the Paradox release process is "Accept the Unacceptable." Wow, what a useful three-word phrase this has proved to be for me. "Accept the Unacceptable" has become a term, even a kind of mantra for me, that represents where I want to be going as I release all the old judgment that has enslaved me in my life.
Opening my heart to the "Dancing Heart" who I desire to become means forgiving myself - and all the aspects of me that I tend to struggle with. And all the horrible things I've discovered I've done in some of my pastlives, too! I also want to forgive others and their actions that sometimes disturb me; and what better way to do that than to let people off the hook with "Accept the Unacceptable!" Life on Earth is imperfect, I am imperfect, and everyone else is, too. So, here's to Accepting the Unacceptable - hoping and trusting that we're all doing the best that we can in the moment, and that we can likely do better next time :)
Here's a Youtube on "Forgiving the unforgivable" - another piece that might help you, too, Let Go of old judgmental parts of you.
Love, Light, and Deep Forgiveness and Self-love to all, Dancing heart~~~
p.s. By the way, my beautiful, unique, transformational healing baskets/bundles are on Mothers Day Special through the end of May! You can purchase them at:
Friday, May 11, 2012
Yoga on Labyrinth on World Labyrinth Day
Just after the recent World Labyrinth Day this past Sunday, I met with my friend Kayla Gayle who is a labyrinth specialist. Through our conversation, I discovered that she had a very unique experience on that day. We decided to have an interview in order to share her experience with you. Hope that you'll enjoy this as much as we did!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Living from the Heart: Drunvalo Melchizedek's Message

Mother Earth and all humanity are currently going through tremendous change, a Change in Consciousness, many say. And everywhere we turn around, changes and transitions are taking place! According to a unique healer and teacher of sacred geometry who has been connected to the native traditions around the world for a long while, Drunvalo Melchizedek, the way to live today is to be "centered in the heart," not in the brain. One might say that this is the "shift" that's taking place today: We are moving from being brain and mind-centered to heart and soul centered. As I quote Jesus in my book, The Last Adventure of Life, the last judgment will be the judgment again judgment itself!
The other evening I stumbled across a 3-part series of Drunvalo's that you would find worth viewing. It can help you understand better why this is a time to move from centering in our brain and mental body to coming more into our heart and emotional body and honoring our soul. The first part of this video can be viewed here. The links to the two other parts are here and here.
Drunvalo is a very gifted teacher. He teaches about the Flower of Life; he also teaches the Mer-ka-ba, an ancient term that defines the human light body, and how we can "travel" using it. He is extremely knowledgeable - as you see from his videos - and he is also deeply connected to his inner child and his heart. He is a joy to listen to and be around, even though it's sometimes hard to keep up with the wisdom he shares. I have had the pleasure of attending several of his day seminars while still living in the Great Northwest, and they were always full of wisdom and "new awakenings" for me personally. Here is a "Heaven & Earth Meditation" by Drunvalo that will help to connect you to your Sacred Heart where we can experience the oneness with all. Drunvalo says that this is the most important meditation we can be doing these days!
Drunvalo is also author of four books, including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. I and II; and his books have been published in 29 languages. He has traveled all over the world - leaving the U.S. over 280 times - to help people understand their deep connection to God and to all that is. He is a consultant for the international internet magazine, Spirit of Moat, that has over 1 million viewers every year. He is also the founder of the Flower of Life Facilitators; this organization has been teaching his work in over 60 countries.
Finally, Drunvalo has recently founded his most complete teaching in a facility called School of Remembering with teachers who have started their global work. Drunvalo graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a degree in Fine Arts. He also has a minor in physics and math. He lives in Sedona, AZ, with his (also) loving wife, Claudette. He has six grandchildren.
For more about Drunvalo Melchizadek and his unique conversations you can go to the following links (and many others):
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Could you be a financial angel for a fabulous woman and her new project?

Diane Goble, a woman of tremendous integrity and dedication who has experienced a Near Death Experience firsthand, is seeking financial backers for her next book: HOW TO DIE CONSXIOUSLY: Secrets from Beyond the Veil. Below are some of the details. Please support Diane! She is a wonderful woman of talent and grace with a passion to eradicate the fear of death from our culture and world.
Diane Goble is looking for backers who support her work to help kickstart the publishing and marketing of her new title "How to Die Consciously: Secrets from Beyond the Veil." She is offering rewards for pledges including free autographed copies of the book (paperback and hardcover), free meditation CDs, acknowledgement of backers in the book, and one-on-one conversations with Diane.To review her project, click here and keep up with her progress on her blog. If she doesn't reach her goal by April 9, no funds will be awarded and publication will be delayed indefinitely. If you'd like to see this book published, please consider making a pledge and/or passing this information on to others you think might want to help make it available to those who could benefit from this important information about end-of-life conversations and planning.
Blessings of Hope! And sending much Love & Strength to Diane and all those who are helping to change the consciousness of the world, Dancing heart~~~~
Thursday, March 22, 2012
What If Cannabis Really Does Cure Cancer?
I recently had the privilege of viewing a film at the Sedona Film Festival called "What If Cannabis Cured Cancer?" It was quite an eye-opener and I have been exploring the merits of hemp and cannabis oil ever since. I'm still gathering information, but the stories I'm hearing are remarkable; and they speak for themselves.
For instance, there is a two-part Youtube I've discovered called "Prostate Cancer Cured with Cannabis Oil". And this gentleman, Dennis Hill, after being involved in cancer research for ten years at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, encountered his own personal cancer challenge. Despite a healthy lifestyle, he was not able to keep prostate cancer away - perhaps due to a hereditary component. He planned a "traditional" approach to treatment; but a friend awakened him to the fact that "Cannabis cures cancer." Dennis ended up finding quite a bit of scientific evidence that cannabis indeed does cure cancer.
Another film you may like to view is called "Running from the Cure." This film is about a Nova Scotian man, Rick Simpson, who has openly shared the natural power of hemp/cannabis, despite its illegality. The Rick Simpson Story has been made possible by Rick Simpson and video producer Christian Laurette; and it's made free to teach us all about the fact that we can help ourselves of diseases using cannabinoids.
Cannabis has proven to be anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmatic, and anti-bacterial. If you are dealing with any ailment - most major cancers, many chronic illnesses, migraines, depression, chronic pain, nausia, glaucoma, etc. - you may wish to look into this plant. It is available in some states - at least where the plant is legal - through dispensaries.
Cannabis can also help with skin issues and cancer. Here is a Youtube that a friend shared with me re the stages that a man went through in his healing a nose skin cancer using Cannabis oil.
Finally, there is a new MLM company called Versativa that's selling new and exciting Hemp products - through their parent company Forever Green. I invite you to check these companies out if you'd like to support the hemp product in our world. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you'd just like to learn more about the products and company. If I can't answer your question, I can steer you in the right direction!
To our Health, Wealth, and Natural Healing & Awakening, Maria dancing heart~~~~
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Thrilled and Honored to Participate in the Showing of "Jun-Ai" (Film) in Sedona