Sunday, March 25, 2012

Could you be a financial angel for a fabulous woman and her new project?

Diane Goble, a woman of tremendous integrity and dedication who has experienced a Near Death Experience firsthand, is seeking financial backers for her next book: HOW TO DIE CONSXIOUSLY: Secrets from Beyond the Veil. Below are some of the details. Please support Diane! She is a wonderful woman of talent and grace with a passion to eradicate the fear of death from our culture and world.

Diane Goble is looking for backers who support her work to help kickstart the publishing and marketing of her new title "How to Die Consciously: Secrets from Beyond the Veil." She is offering rewards for pledges including free autographed copies of the book (paperback and hardcover), free meditation CDs, acknowledgement of backers in the book, and one-on-one conversations with Diane.
To review her project, click here and keep up with her progress on her blog. If she doesn't reach her goal by April 9, no funds will be awarded and publication will be delayed indefinitely. If you'd like to see this book published, please consider making a pledge and/or passing this information on to others you think might want to help make it available to those who could benefit from this important information about end-of-life conversations and planning.

Blessings of Hope! And sending much Love & Strength to Diane and all those who are helping to change the consciousness of the world, Dancing heart~~~~

p.s. Here's a Youtube with an interview of Diane Goble. Check it out sometime!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What If Cannabis Really Does Cure Cancer?

I recently had the privilege of viewing a film at the Sedona Film Festival called "What If Cannabis Cured Cancer?" It was quite an eye-opener and I have been exploring the merits of hemp and cannabis oil ever since. I'm still gathering information, but the stories I'm hearing are remarkable; and they speak for themselves.

For instance, there is a two-part Youtube I've discovered called "Prostate Cancer Cured with Cannabis Oil". And this gentleman, Dennis Hill, after being involved in cancer research for ten years at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, encountered his own personal cancer challenge. Despite a healthy lifestyle, he was not able to keep prostate cancer away - perhaps due to a hereditary component. He planned a "traditional" approach to treatment; but a friend awakened him to the fact that "Cannabis cures cancer." Dennis ended up finding quite a bit of scientific evidence that cannabis indeed does cure cancer.

Another film you may like to view is called "Running from the Cure." This film is about a Nova Scotian man, Rick Simpson, who has openly shared the natural power of hemp/cannabis, despite its illegality. The Rick Simpson Story has been made possible by Rick Simpson and video producer Christian Laurette; and it's made free to teach us all about the fact that we can help ourselves of diseases using cannabinoids.

Cannabis has proven to be anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmatic, and anti-bacterial. If you are dealing with any ailment - most major cancers, many chronic illnesses, migraines, depression, chronic pain, nausia, glaucoma, etc. - you may wish to look into this plant. It is available in some states - at least where the plant is legal - through dispensaries.

Cannabis can also help with skin issues and cancer. Here is a Youtube that a friend shared with me re the stages that a man went through in his healing a nose skin cancer using Cannabis oil.

Finally, there is a new MLM company called Versativa that's selling new and exciting Hemp products - through their parent company Forever Green. I invite you to check these companies out if you'd like to support the hemp product in our world. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you'd just like to learn more about the products and company. If I can't answer your question, I can steer you in the right direction!

To our Health, Wealth, and Natural Healing & Awakening, Maria dancing heart~~~~

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thrilled and Honored to Participate in the Showing of "Jun-Ai" (Film) in Sedona

A couple of weekends ago, over my birthday, I unexpectedly had the time of my life here in Sedona! I knew that I was going to do some interpreting for a Japanese spiritually oriented tour group that was coming to Sedona with Club World Co. from the Tokyo area, but I had no idea that I would be meeting the key-players in a most remarkable "Japanese-Chinese collaboration for the world" film entitled Jun-Ai. In fact, I became the de facto interpreter for the Japanese actress and project manager of the film as it was presented at the Sedona Film Festival. The lead actress's name is Keiko Kobayashi; someone appropriately called her "the Julia Roberts of Japan." She is a uniquely talented and courageous actress, screenwriter, and producer in Japan who helped spear-head this moving film. She is also a woman with a profound vision for world peace - for the sake of the children of the world. She believes firmly that one film can help to change the world! She is also doing some wonderful things to help create better schools and kindergartens - to begin with, in China.

Here's a bit about story line of Jun-Ai, which by the way, means "True" or "Pure Love": It plays like an unusual romance novel - chapters of beauty and intrigue. It is the summer of 1945, the end of a long world war and conflict between Japan and China. The story involves war but portrays love, a love that overcomes the conflict between two neighboring nations. Overcoming one obstacle after another, Ai and Shunsuke, along with their new-found enemy turned friend, Shanron, son of a blind Chinese woman who harbors them, experience the taste of friendship beyond borders and the kind of love that's worth risking their lives for. Featuring spectacular scenery and cinematography, this contemplative film offers a true gift to the world: The possibility of opening hearts through repentance, forgiveness, and newly blossoming love. The real star of the film is a wise old blind woman who opens her heart and mind with tremendous wisdom and hope, despite the losses and vicissitudes of her war-torn life.

Naturally, one of the reasons I loved this film is because it portrayed my home country's people, the Japanese, in a country where they did not truly belong. That sense of desiring to belong has always haunted me; and this feeling haunts the film as well. It also shares beautiful pieces of Japanese music that remind me of my childhood growing up in Japan. However, I was interested that I was not the only one tearing up a number of times during this film; in fact, most everyone in the theater seemed to be moved to tears. It is a genuinely heart-opening, healing film that transcends national borders and boundaries. It has been shared with four nations of the world - Japan, China, Monaco (where it won five awards), and the U.K. Now, with its Pan-American debut here in Sedona, it seems that the time has come for it to be shared with the entire world.

And incidentally, the "Jun-Ai Team" had the joy of discovering that the film had won two awards on the last day at the Awards Ceremony: Jun-Ai won the Best Director Bridging Cultures Award and the Best Audience Feature Award! Needless to say, we were all thrilled to hear this very special, hoped-for news!

I hope to continue to be a part of the effort to get Jun-Ai out into the world. Ms. Kobayashi and Shogo Okumura, the project director, hope to bring it back to Sedona for a week-long showing later this year. I hope that we will be seeing this film showing not only in Sedona again, but across our country and world, in many countries. Keiko's dream is that it be shown in every nation of the world! May it be so.

May peace prevail on Earth, especially for the sake of the children of the world, Dancing heart~~

p.s. The above picture is from the site: