Diane Goble, a woman of tremendous integrity and dedication who has experienced a Near Death Experience firsthand, is seeking financial backers for her next book: HOW TO DIE CONSXIOUSLY: Secrets from Beyond the Veil. Below are some of the details. Please support Diane! She is a wonderful woman of talent and grace with a passion to eradicate the fear of death from our culture and world.
Diane Goble is looking for backers who support her work to help kickstart the publishing and marketing of her new title "How to Die Consciously: Secrets from Beyond the Veil." She is offering rewards for pledges including free autographed copies of the book (paperback and hardcover), free meditation CDs, acknowledgement of backers in the book, and one-on-one conversations with Diane.To review her project, click here and keep up with her progress on her blog. If she doesn't reach her goal by April 9, no funds will be awarded and publication will be delayed indefinitely. If you'd like to see this book published, please consider making a pledge and/or passing this information on to others you think might want to help make it available to those who could benefit from this important information about end-of-life conversations and planning.
Blessings of Hope! And sending much Love & Strength to Diane and all those who are helping to change the consciousness of the world, Dancing heart~~~~