Friday, December 7, 2007

Transformation thru Stepping Outside the Box

On June 25th I wrote about an experience I had with Richard Bartlett and Matrix Energetics. Well, now I have had a whole weekend experience with Matrix Energetics, and I can honestly say that it is profoundly changing my life for the better. I've been healing (releasing) many layers of both physical and emotional "stuff" in my life for several years now. And perhaps I was building up to this. However, there's something very special about Matrix Energetics and its ability to help strengthen you in stepping out of the box to heal, to bring joy and magic back into your life.

As I've mentioned in my work, the whole world is "on hospice" these days because things as we know them are not working well on our planet. As long as we continue to "remain in our boxes," doing things the way we're used to doing them, life on planet Earth is not going to change. I believe that the transformative power lies in being able to courageously step outside of the box and try some new things.

One of the signatures of Richard Bartlett is his wonderful sense of humor, his lightness of being. He works closely with the dolphins and the whales, and this energy is apparent when he works, or rather plays with people. Some would call him a weirdo or a "crazy man," but I choose to see his craziness as exactly what we need in these times.

I encourage you to go to and see for yourself. Or better yet, purchase Richard's book Matrix Energetics or attend an introductory (free) session to get the idea of what he does. It's likely to change your life for good! Thank you, Richard, and all who are involved in teaching this transformative work...

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