Sunday, May 31, 2009

Forgive, Release, Let Go, Move On!

I heard this four-piece phrase through a Unity minister in Florida recently. It rang so true for me, that this is some of the most important work/play that we can be doing in these days of great transformation! As we move through the "Shift of the Ages" -- what can sometimes feel like a very chaotic and uncertain time -- right now, it feels like any releasing, letting go work that we can do will benefit ourselves, all our relations, and Mother Earth herself. One of the most significant ways that we can heal is to let go of what no longer serves us, whether it be physical, material things, or old, negative emotions, or believe systems and patterns that no longer are helpful.

Perhaps if we could all commit to forgiving one another (giving each other the benefit of the doubt), and releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us every day, as much as we can, this would be a great start. I'm working on going through my papers these days, file by file, pile by pile, and box by box. It's time to release and recycle what I can and make room for the new pieces and ideas that are desiring to come in. Same with my closets and the garage -- my storage space. Time to clear out the old and make room for the new!

Who and what are you forgiving, relasing, letting go of, and moving on from? I'd be interested to hear...

Blessings of an open, healed heart! Dancing heart~~~

p.s. By the way, speaking of forgiving, releasing, letting go, and moving on, if you're interested in a heart wall healing, please be in touch. I'm doing them on a regular basis now, both in person and long distance. This healing is bound to help make your life more happy, healthy, and wealthy, too.

Also, please check out my site where I'm writing a series of articles on the integrative therapies and healing, relaxing, and balancing our bodies, using the last chapter of my book as my foundation.

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