After I received the energetic healing from this healer, he wanted to talk with me about self-love. He eventually sat me down and continued to expound on the need for me to love myself. He said that it was very important that I love myself deeply and that I love and forgive everyone in my past -- all the lifetimes, and especially all the men in my life. He suggested that I practice the exercise (that I actually learned awhile back, and have mentioned in my new book, The Most Important Day of Your Life) of looking into the mirror every morning and saying to myself again and again: "I love you, Maria Dancing heart."
Mark also shared with me that many women are coming to him at this time. The women are the ones ready to heal -- and change -- right now, he said. The men, not so much. And he added that all women need to heal by releasing and forgiving all of the past, especially the men in our lives. This was not new information to me, but it was interesting to hear an echo of what I've been hearing, and a powerful reminder to continue to work with my own healing, loving, self-care, etc.
This makes me think of a conversation I had last weekend with Mary Lane, author of Divine Nourishment: A Woman's Sacred Journey with Food. During our conversation she shared re the powerful connection between the divine feminine and death. It makes complete sense that as the divine feminine rises on the planet, we are gradually learning how to accept and befriend death, not to mention the "shadow-side" of life. The two go hand in hand. Then, just this morning I was communicating with Betty Kovacs, author of The Miracle of Death, in connection with my new book and its beautiful cover, she wrote about the need for beauty to be associated with death. Again, it seems totally fitting that as the feminine aspect of life comes alive and we re-integrate death into life, we also see it in its full beauty!
Blessings of Joy, Beauty, Hope, and Love to you all in these times of facing and "embracing" the shadow sides of life, too, Dancing heart~~~
1 comment:
Beautiful Maria! Women are definitely more involved with the self-healing movement at this time. It seems significant that your reminder came from a man this time too. I believe the Divine Feminine is rising hand in hand with the Divine Masculine. Men and women are both impoverished by the imbalance and benefit from the deep healing.
Much Love , David /\
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