Just this past week, my life has taken a huge turn: I was offered a job as spiritual and bereavement coordinator at a unique and holistic hospice south of Tucson called Soulistic Hospice. This happened in a most surprising way: Some years ago, after my first book The Last Adventure of Life had come out, I was invited to present my book at an author event in a bank in Tucson, AZ. At that time, I met a nurse from New Zealand named Aladi who told me about the small and unique hospice where she worked where they used essential oils as part of the protocal. Aladi left an impression on me at the time; and we kept in touch by email.
Recently, when it came time for me to realize that I needed a job in the Arizona area to actually move down there, I began putting feelers out. I thought to add Aladi to the list of hospice related people that I got in touch with, even though I remembered that she'd said their hospice was small. Shortly after I emailed her, Aladi responded and asked me to send my resume to her. Well, it turned out that just two days before I got in touch with her, Soulistic Hospice had gotten a job description ready to seek a second spiritual counselor because they have been growing so much! One thing has led to another, and after several interviews by Skype, I now have the job that will based out of Tubac, AZ.
Another amazing aspect of all this is that Soulistic Hospice comes out of an organization called Soulistic Medical Institute that has its root in a philosophy and global community that's based on The Urancha Book. They also have an extensive organic farm and garden called Avalon Gardens, Farm, & Ranch that's connected to their intentional global community of 100 strong. And this community is now it's third decade, they tell me. I'm still processing all of this; as you can imagine, it's been rather mesmerizing, partly because it's all happened so quickly and with such grace and ease, too.
If any of you happen to be in the midst of a shift or transformation of some kind, if you are hoping and dreaming about something different for your life, I'm here to remind you: Do not give up! These past two weeks have been a powerful reminder to me that my life can change at a moment's notice; you just never know how and when Spirit will open your life up in a totally new way with amazing new possibilities. We just need to keep holding the vision and trusting that "the way will -- somehow, unbeknownst to us -- open."
Keep the faith, hope, and courage, dear friends. Life is truly a grand adventure that just keeps happening. And All Things are possible through our faith in God/Goddess, Spirit, Jesus, ... All That Is!!!
Love and Deep Encouragement Blessings to you all through these transformationalo times, Dancing Heart~~~
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