I have been in some kind of deep shock since March 11th. In the midst of my own transition -- moving from "the rainforest" of Seattle to the desert of Arizona -- my homeland Japan was rocked by an earthquake of tremendous strength; and then there was the tsunami that reeked havoc on the people, their land, and the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This catastrophe has made me reflect a lot about the Japanese people and their history. It's made me wonder why the Japanese of all people are having to experience yet another nuclear disaster. I have grieved for them and even been angry at God/dess on their behalf.
The best conclusion I've come up as I grapple with the situation is that this is happening to a unique and special people (Remember the book The Japanese and the Jews by Isaiah Ben-dasan?) at this time so that they can be an example to the world. As many have pointed out, the Japanese experience after this catastrophe has been remarkable: There has been calm, poise, kindness, grace, order, sacrifice, even tenderness and restraint in the midst of tremendous suffering and potential chaos. I believe that the aftermath of this earth change in Japan is expressing something new and different so that the world can learn from the long-suffering Japanese.
Even growing up in Japan as a missionary kid I remember learning a great deal from the Japanese people and their public school system, too. They were always a polite and gentle people, forgiving and very giving -- selfless, even. They would go out of their way to give directions, sometimes even taking you physically to the place you were seeking. They may not have been passionately "religious" people (who attend church every Sunday, for example), but they were taught doutoku, or "ethics" in their classrooms, and they seemed to always have a conscience -- a good sense of what the "right thing" to do was at any given time.
At this time, my hope and prayer is that the world will continue to give thanks for, honor, and stand with the Japanese for what they are enduring, yet again, in this sometimes very unfair world. The forces of this planet have somehow come together to cause this trauma; and Japan and her people are rising to the occasion. May the world learn from the Japanese how this wave of suffering can be ridden, and may we all we blessed by it. We can continue to pray for -- and send positive energy to -- this small, vulnerable nation that is contributing to the rise of consciousness on the planet in a gentle, gracious, and very quiet yet powerful way.
May Peace prevail in Japan. May peace prevail on Earth! May peace be in our homes and communities. May our missions be accomplished. We thank thee, guardian spirits and guardian divinities. Byakko (White Light)!
In Deep Gratitude and sending Hope and Light to the Japanese and all who are helping with the transformation of this magnificent planet, Dancing heart~~~~
p.s. May we continue to keep the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and all those working with the leaking radiation in our hearts and minds, too -- We can pray for the water!
The above photos were taken by Bob Rink at the Remembrance for Japan ceremony at the Japanese Friendship Garden in Phonix, AZ on March 26, 2011.
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