As a way to teach and help people move through the grief and forgiveness (life review) work in my book, I am starting to offer Day Seminars. These will be interactive and transformative, addressing questions such as: 1) What or who do I need to grieve and let go of in my life right now? 2) Who do I need to forgive in my life at this time to help me live more fully in the moment? and 3) What are some ways that could help me relax and bring more Joy and Delight into my life right now? You will be given time to delve into an old grief and spend some reflective time with it. We will then share in dyads, then as a larger group. We will do the same around some forgiveness issue you are dealing with. Then, I will share some relaxation and healing tools from the book so you will experience these first hand. If time permits, we will view together a magnificent film called
Appointment with the Wise Old Dog: Dream Images in a Time of Crisis by David Blum, a musician and conductor who shares his drawings of a series of inspirational dreams he had during a long period that he lived with cancer.
These "Joyful Transitions" seminars would be especially helpful for someone moving through a grief, caregivers, or someone who has a friend or family member who is troubled, sick, or dying. But actually, anyone interested in joining us could benefit from these seminars because we all have grief and forgiveness work to do! And the more we let go of these, the more freedom we have to live in the NOW.
If you are interested in attending the first of these seminars in Bellingham this Sunday (24th), please contact me immediately. Otherwise, there will be others coming up in the Puget Sound area soon. Please go to the
"Schedulted Events" page of my website to see the details. Also, if you or your organization would like to host a day seminar, please contact me and we will arrange one.
Enjoy these last days of summer, Dancing Heart~~~
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