Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Breakthrough, and Changes in the Air!

Yesterday was a Red Letter Day for me: Not only did I sign papers for a new condo on the Mainland that we're moving to soon, but I also got a contract worked out with Findhorn Press in Scotland who will be publishing a 2nd edition of my book next spring! Wow, talk about changes in the air... I have been waiting for this for a long time; it's all very exciting and energizing.

At this time, I'm also getting ready to launch a new business related to my book. It is a Soul (Gift) Basket business that will incorporate some of the healing tools in Chapter 11 of The Last Adventure of Life. I will develop "healing tool kits" for those who are grieving, caregiving, dealing with a health crisis, and/or end-of-life transitions. The kits (I will be using furoshikis to bring a Japanese flavor to them) will include things like: a small pocketbook version of my book, some Young Living essential oils, a music and/or meditation CD, a candle, and the like. They will be kits that will help "embody" what I write about in my book. Families and friends will be able to honor one another using the items, and they will also help with honoring and encouraging ritual during transitional times.

If you are interested in trying a basket out, please let me know. I'd love to custom design something for you, or try out one of my new ideas. Also, please let me know if you'd like an autographed copy of my book. These books will no longer be available after the end of this year!

Thanks for all your support and prayers, too... during this new adventure of my own :)

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