Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Every Visit Is a Spiritual Visit"

Last week I met a gentleman on our hospice -- a doctor, actually -- who made an interesting comment to me. I introduced myself as the spiritual counselor and said something about how we could have a "spiritual visit." His response was something like: "Every visit is a spiritual visit." I thought that was a pretty cool response! This doctor understands the underlying quality of spirituality around all people, all connections, and all life.

Meanwhile, I also attended a "Living with Grief" seminar last week, the 17th Annual Teleconference sponsored by the Hospice Foundation of America. This teleconference focused on "Cancer and End-of-Life Care" and was quite well done. I heard some helpful and wise comments being shared during the three-hour program. Some of these were:

1) Hospice should not be "brink of death" care!
2) No matter what the patient is dealing with, there is always something that can be done (to ease the person's suffering).
3) Uncertainty makes doctors and scientists in particular very uncomfortable.
4) As the cancer progresses, "com-passion" is key. Attentive listening -- being present and honoring all that is said -- and asking meaningful questions can also be helpful.
5) Hospice can often bring a calming influence into a difficult situation.
6) There is significance in the telling of and sharing stories, especially as the end-of-life draws near.

One question I might leave you with from the seminar is: "What is a good death?" What might you consider to be a good death? What would be some of the ingredients, if you were considering your own death, or the death of a close loved one?

If you're interested in learning more about what hospice is, I invite you to see my article, "What Is Hospice Care, Anyway?" that is available on the home page of my website.

Blessings on the journey, and have a most Blessed Easter! Dancing heart~~~

p.s. If you are interested in some titles related to end-of-life care, you might like to see the last two articles at my site.

1 comment:

Nikki Thornton said...

Peace is a gift,
It is a gift we give to ourselves,
And then to each other.