Monday, May 21, 2007

Resting in the Love-Light Presence

You've probably heard of the book or movie that's causing a great sensation around the world today. It's called "The Secret," and it's about a Universal Law called the Law of Attraction. A couple of months ago I was watching an Oprah show in which some of the creators of "The Secret" were sharing their experiences. One of the guests said something that made a deep impression on me. They said that during a mystical experience they observed a beautiful Love-Light Presence encircling every human being! I invite you to imagine this for a moment -- a beautiful Love-Light Presence around every single human being on the planet. Wow! If we only could be aware of this Presence, each and every moment and day of our lives... Perhaps this is one of the blessings of meditation, where we can take the time each day, even 5 or 10 minutes, to rest in our own Love-Light Presence, to remember this Presence which nourishes and guides us every single day of our lives.

One of the movements in my healing these days is to move from my tendency to excessively "do" to more generously "be" in my life. This is why I'm spending more time on the beach, doing energy work, daydreaming, and yes, meditating, too. By my cultural standards I sometimes feel as though I'm "wasting my time." However, my inner knowing tells me otherwise: I'm actually doing what's most important in my life right now -- to cultivate and honor my Inner Presence and Being. This heightened awareness of Who I Am is strengthening and healing me. I'm tuning in to a power I was not aware of before -- a more subtle and energetic power that is mystical, but at the same time very real.

Are you connected to this power/presence in you? Do you ever take the time to rest in your Love-Light Presence? It's worth taking the time to do this, however you choose to do so. If you'd like to see a magnificent picture of this, I invite you to go to Go into the "I Am" Teachings section and look for "The Mighty I Am Presence." I guarantee that you'll have a new sense of who you really are.

Blessings of Peace and deLight; Peace is prevailing on Earth!

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